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Enlightened Rest

Reduce Stress. Deeply Restore. Build Resilience.

Learn to Relax

Learning to relax is at the heart of living well. But opening our life to include a regular restorative practice can be a challenge. 


Even if your mind protests that you might be wasting time, with so much else to be done, it's during these moments when it is most important to continue.

Consider your practice an experiment that you carry out with the finest instruments at your command:


your body - your breath - your mind

Rest & Restore

We create the possibility for you to deeply restore on the level of body, mind, and spirit. Re-build your energy, enhance and support healing from the inside out and build resilience. 


Enlightened Rest (Yoga Nidra) is taught by us in five distinct methods: 


- Healing - Cognition - Transformation - Desires of the Heart


Above all else stands spiritual unfolding to help you recognize your true nature. Out of what the healing practice provides, in quintessence, it's allowing you to fulfill your reason for being - knowing your true Self.


During our Resilience sessions, the holding of a certain position is supported by props, blankets, and cushions. Thereby allowing you to enter deep stages of relaxation, healing, as well as peace through specific breathing techniques. Welcome to the heart of living well.



Try this

But your mat or a blanket on the floor, flush with the wall/cupboard. Lay yourself on the mat and stretch your legs up the wall. Push a cushion between the wall and knees if you need to bend your legs. Lay your arms horizontally, palms facing up. Enjoy Viparita Karani for 5 - 15 minutes in silence and be aware of what unfolds.  




  • Resilience Practice & Enlightened Rest

  • Enlightened Rest Workshops (under Specials)

  • Beginners Meditation

  • Private Sessions



Our Classes ​

Individual Appointments

It is our wish that Enlightened Rest supports you in everyday life, and gives you energy, contentment, joy, inspiration, and peace. Contact us for a 1:1 appointment to receive a customized Enlightened Rest (Yoga Nidra). The prices from our Mentoring offers apply here. Get in touch with us today, we look forward to seeing you!


Angelica & Misty


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Bettina, Chur

Weisst du, die heutige Generation denkt nur daran, wie man schnell fit und gut aussehen kann, damit man mit der rasanten Geschwindigkeit der Gesellschaft mithalten kann. Sie denkt nicht daran, was langfristig oder wirklich wichtig ist im Leben. Ihr übermittelt sehr klar, worauf der Fokus liegen sollte mit eurem Unterricht und wie ihr lebt....und ich bin froh habe ich euch gefunden! Sont wäre ich in dieser Welt längstens untergegangen. Endlich darf ich langsam selbststicherer werden und das auch geniessen.
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