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Tantric Hatha Yoga

Movement is the expression of the Body


The Flow of Movement

Discover your body's intelligence and your somatic perception. Viewing your body in the analogy of a musical orchestra shows you how imperative it is that all your movements are finely tuned to keep the energy flowing. This gives you a good feeling in your body. Using slow, sometimes dynamic, or sustained movements, we will guide you through these effective, liberating, and creative processes according to your own anatomy. 

Breath & Movement

With the regular practice of breathing exercises (pranayama) combined with movements that follow one another like pearls on a necklace, you change the state of your mind and the energy flow in your body, even while practicing. It leaves a benevolent footprint in the mind, body, and soul, which gradually changes your life positively. Give yourself clarity, and calm, moreover, increase your resilience on a physical and mental level.


Learn with us, to skilfully combine your breathing and movement with ease, attentiveness, and an open mind. We guarantee to support you individually on your path.


Try this

Stand on the balls of your feet while brushing your teeth to improve your balance. When waiting, wherever distribute your weight evenly on both feet, this grounds & connects - exception: the elevator: use the stairs. Have fun!


  • Evening Flow, Beginners

  • Resilience Practice & Enlightened Rest (Yoga Nidra)

  • Fire & Light

  • Sunday Morning Hatha Yoga & Meditation (Advanced)


Our Classes​



Anita, Zürich

Ich bedanke mich ganz herzlich für Deine wärmenden Angaben. Deine wertvollen Tipps nach der letzten Stunde waren für mich sehr hilfreich! Auch hierfür ein grosses Dankeschön. Dein Engagement beeindruckt mich sehr, Misty.
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