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Professional & with heart

Health Prevention

Strong. Joyful. Soft.

  • Support during cancer therapy and in remission

  • Support and accompaniment of the relatives of cancer patients

  • Interdisciplinary cooperation with physicians, therapists, and naturopaths

  • Introduction to exercise after illness and/or upon completion of physiotherapy

  • Nutritional counseling (Ayurveda)

  • Dealing with anxiety and inner turmoil

Click to learn more about exactly what we do and how it moves & positively changes the lives of our clients. 


Every Moment is a Choice.

  • Career and study counseling

  • Retirement, direction & vision​

  • Spiritual counseling for the dying 

  • Mourning after loss due to death or separation

Click to learn more about exactly what we do and how it moves the lives of our clients. 

Mentoring Energy Balance

We offer you three possibilities in terms of time & prices. If it takes longer, we charge at a 15-minute rate.

Life Coaching

​Live joyfully.

  • Realignment

  • Career-/study Counseling

  • Solution approaches for conflict situations in relationships and in the work environement


Click to learn more about exactly what we do and how it moves & positively changes the lives of our clients. 

Personal Practice

Come. Grow. Go. 

  • More ease in everyday life and sports, so that you enjoy what you do

  • Calmness in the nervous system, so that you feel more relaxed and can make decisions that support your positive development

  • For the increased ability to concentrate, so you can think and act clearly

Click to learn more about exactly what we do and how it moves the lives of our clients. 



Noé, Graubünden

Das Mentoring zusammen mit meiner Personal Practice von Misty, hat mir gezeigt, dass ich mich oft selber übergangen habe. Das hat zu enormen körperlichen Leiden geführt bis hin zum Burnout. Ich durfte wieder entdecken, dass ich in meinem Herzen viel Licht, Kraft, Stolz und Wärme trage. Es zeigte mir auch, dass ich geliebt und akzeptiert werden will, wie ich bin. Heute habe ich wieder Mut als Noé in die Welt zu treten und mich selber zu sein mit Herz und Seele. Die tägliche Practice, Meditation und Enlightened Rest sind dabei unabdingbar.

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